Library Materials Permissions

Note: Permissions apply to DestinyLibrary Manager unless otherwise noted.

Library Home Page

Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
View home page

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

View the library's home page. None


Edit home page

Destiny Administrator, Library Administrator

Edit the introductory text, and add, edit and delete groups and links on the home page. Includes the View home page permission.


Library Catalog Search Access

Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
Basic search

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

Search in Catalog > Library Search > Basic using basic search terms. None None
Power search

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, District Reports Creator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

Search on Catalog > Library Search > Power using complex search terms, and apply limiters. None

Destiny Administrator, District Library Catalogers, and District Reports Creators cannot limit searches by a reading program, if available.

Visual search

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

Search the catalog through a locally-configured, visual interface in Catalog > Library Search > Visual. None

Go to Catalog > Library Search > Search Setup to customize the search page.

Copy categories search

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

View a Copy Categories list with links to the lists of titles/copies assigned to each category in Catalog > Library Search > Categories. None

Both Add/edit/delete/assign categories and Copy categories search cause Catalog > Library Search > Categories to appear. The contents of the page are different, however, for each permission.

Search One Search as Student


Search online databases that you've allowed "Students" to search in Catalog > Library Search > Basic and Power. Requires the Basic search or Power Search permission. You must have a valid Destiny subscription and have selected the Use One Search checkbox at Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info. None
Search One Search as Staff

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher

Search online databases that you've allowed "Staff" to search in Catalog > Library Search > Basic and Power. Requires the Basic search or Power Search permission. You must have a valid Destiny subscription and have selected the Use One Search checkbox at Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info. None
Search Digital Resources


See resources configured as digital at the district under the Digital Resources sub-tab in the search results in Destiny.

None None
Standard/control number searches

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, District Reports Creator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Search the catalog by Control Number, LCCN, ISBN, and ISSN in Catalog > Library Search > Number. None

If a user has both Use standard/control number searches and Use call number search permissions, the Number tab offers a combined list containing Call Number, LCCN, ISBN, ISSN, and Control Number.

Call number search

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Search the catalog by Call Number in Catalog > Library Search > Number. None

If a user has both Use standard/control number searches and Use call number search permissions, the Number tab offers a combined list containing Call Number, LCCN, ISBN, ISSN. and Control Number.

Barcode search

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Search by copy barcode number in Catalog > Library Search > Barcode. None None
Brief records search

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Search the catalog for brief records in Catalog > Library Search > Brief Records. None None
Search Using Destiny Discover

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

Search the Destiny Discover interface in Catalog > Destiny Discover. None None
Search all library sites through Destiny Discover Site Administrator Search all libraries in the Destiny installation, and view all search results in Destiny Discover. The copy availability in the search results lists includes copies in all schools in the district. Requires the Search using Destiny Discover permission. None
Use Destiny Discover by default None Display and use the Destiny Discover interface by default. Requires the Search using Destiny Discover permission. None
Search curriculum tags

Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher

Search Curriculum Tag information in Destiny Discover. Requires the Search using Destiny Discover permission. None
Search Standards

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Teacher

Use Catalog > Standards Search to search or browse state and national educational standards, and then locate relevant library materials, websites, and/or district media. You must subscribe to Follett's Standards Service, and have selected the Use Standards checkbox in Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info. None
Search WebPath Express

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron

Search and browse selected Internet sites in Catalog > WebPath Express, Catalog > Library Search > Basic, Power, and Visual and Catalog > Destiny Discover. You must subscribe to WebPath Express, and have selected the Use WebPath Express checkbox at Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info. None
Submit WebPath Express suggestions

District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Suggest websites or topics for WebPath Express.

You must subscribe to WebPath Express, and have selected the Use WebPath Express checkbox on either Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info or on the "Edit <site name>" page. The links only appear if an SMTP (mail) server is set up on the "Edit <district name>" page.

Suggestions are emailed to WebPath Express, not to the library administration.

Access My Lists for library

District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron

Create a personal Resource List of library materials.

In the Patrons - Self-Empowered Patron Access section, enable: Create multiple Lists permission, to create multiple Lists; Publish My Lists permission, to make one's Lists available to others; Share Ownership of My Lists permission, to share a list with a co-owner; Save and Email List permission, to save as a text file and email a List; View Local Public Lists or View District Public Lists permissions to view public Lists.

A Guest can access and use a Resource List. It is, however, automatically deleted after an inactivity timeout. It does not persist from day to day as does a Resource List belonging to a logged-in user.

Add titles to My List by range or number

Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Add titles by field contents range, with a file or list of barcode numbers, by standard number or barcode number, and by date range.

To scan or upload items into a Resource List, the user must have the Access My Lists for library permission. None
Access My Lists for media

Site Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron

Create a custom list of media materials.

To create multiple Lists, enable the Patrons - Self-Empowered Patron Access - Create multiple Lists permission. To make Lists available to others, enable the Patrons - Self-Empowered Patron Access - Publish My Lists permission. To have a co-owner, enable the Patrons - Self-Empowered Patron Access – Share Ownership of My Lists permission. To save as a text file and email a List, enable the Patrons - Self-Empowered Patron Access - Save and Email List permission. To view public Lists, enable the Patrons - Self-Empowered Patron Access - View Public Lists permission.

Applies to Destiny Media Manager.

A Guest can access and use a Resource List. The Resource List is automatically deleted after an inactivity timeout. Unlike a Resource List for a logged-in user, a Guest's Resource List is not saved.

Search all library sites

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

Choose to search all libraries in the Destiny installation. None If a user with this permission opts to search the district or a group of schools, the search results include off-site titles and copies, regardless of their Always show all library materials in the district permission. In general, though, Search all library sites affects the search options and Always show all library materials in the district affects the search results.
Search all district media sites (from a district media center)

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

Choose to search all district media centers in the Destiny installation. None

Applies to Destiny Media Manager.

If a user with this permission opts to search the district or a group of schools, the search results include off-site titles and copies, regardless of their Always show all media in the district permission. In general, Search all media sites affects the search options and Always show all media in the district affects the search results.

Always show all library materials in the district

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

View off-site copies in Search Results lists and on the Copies tab of Title Details. Without this permission, the patron sees only local (on-site) copies listed when performing a local search. None

If a user without this permission and with Search all library sites opts to search the district or a group of schools, the search results include off-site titles and copies, regardless of their Always show all library materials in the district permission.

In general, Search all library sites affects the search options and Always show all library materials in the district affects the search results.

Show all title details (by default)

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher, Patron, Guest

View the complete title information on the Title Details page. Without this permission, brief title information appears by default. The user needs at least one of the Use Library Search permissions and Quiz Info must be selected in Admin > Site Configuration > Catalog sub-tab, ‘Library Title Display Settings’ section. None
View titles in MARC format

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View the complete MARC record in the MARC View tab of the Title Details page. None

Use the permissions under Library Materials - Library Catalog Management for catalogers who add and edit title (MARC) records.

See local hidden materials

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View search results that include local copies with a Circulation Type designated as "hidden". None None
See off-site hidden materials

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View search results that include off-site copies with a Circulation Type designated as "hidden". None None
Submit library review ratings

Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff, Teacher

Rate library titles by selecting from 1 to 5 stars. None None
Submit library review comments Site Administrator Enter a text review of a library title. Requires the Submit library review ratingspermission. None
Approval not required Site Administrator Submit library review comments without approval. Requires the Submit library review ratings permission.


Upload digital content to review None Upload a digital file to the Destiny server as part of a library review, and create a link for library patrons to view the file. Requires the Submit library review ratings permission.

Digital content and reviews are subject to approval by a user with the permission, Approve/delete library reviews.

The Destiny Administrator manages the storage folder.

Approval not required Site Administrator Upload digital content to reviews without approval. Requires the Upload digital content to review permission.


Library Catalog Management

Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
Manage titles - Add title from search results

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Add title records found in a search of the district collection, Alliance Plus, or Z-Sources in Catalog > Add Title. None None
Manage titles - Add new title after searching

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Add title records after first searching for existing records. Requires the Add title from search results permission.

This permission includes the View titles in MARC format permission.

Manage titles - Add new title without searching

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger

Add title records without first searching for existing records. Requires the Add title from search results and Add new title after searching permissions. None
Manage titles - Duplicate

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Duplicate title records. None

This permission includes the View titles in MARC format permission.

Manage titles - Edit

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Edit title records and access the Title Details pages for digital resources. None

This permission includes the View titles in MARC format permission.

Manage titles - Delete

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Delete title records. None

This permission includes the ability to delete the title's copies, even if the user does not have the Manage copies – Delete permission.

Manage titles – Relate library titles

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

View related titles' information that appears on the Title Details page if the title is in a group. None

A title can only belong to one group. Groups are set up at Catalog > Update Titles > Relate Titles.

Manage titles – Access to Titlewave

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Access Titlewave account through Catalog > Titlewave > Use Titlewave. None

Buttons are links that will take you to Follett Titlewave.

Manage copies - Add/duplicate

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Add copy-specific information for materials in your collection. None

Required fields are Number Copies, Starting Barcode, and Call Number.

Manage copies - Edit

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Edit an existing copy record in the catalog. None None
Manage copies - Delete

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Delete a copy record from the catalog. None None
Add to purchasing wish list

Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Recommend library titles for purchase in Title Details or via link if no search results appear. None

Recommendations are subject to approval by a user with the permission, View/delete wish list entries.

View/delete wish list entries

Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Manage library titles' Wish List recommendations. Requires the Generate library collection reports permission. None
Add/edit/delete digital content in titles

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Upload digital content to the Destiny server, and create a link to it on the Title Details page. Adding digital content in the Easy Editor or MARC Editor requires Add title, Duplicate title or Edit title permission.

The Destiny Administrator can manage the storage folder for the uploaded digital content.

Add/edit/delete site-specific subjects

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Add site-specific subject fields to title records. None

Without this permission, catalogers can still create site-specific subject tags in the MARC Editor using a 690 tag.

Add/edit/delete site-specific URLs

Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Add site-specific URL fields to title records. None None
Add/edit/delete/assign copy categories

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Manage categories in Catalog > Library Search > Copy Categories. None

Both Add/edit/delete/assign copy categories and Copy categories search cause the Copy Categories sub-tab of Catalog > Library Search to appear. The contents of the page are different, for each permission. Destiny Administrator does not have the Resource List option in "Add to category".

Approve/delete library reviews

Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Approve and delete library title reviews.

None None
Edit library review contents Site Administrator Edit library title reviews. Requires Approve/delete library reviews and Submit library review ratings permissions. None
Merge copies from duplicated library titles Site Administrator Delete duplicate title records, a process that transfers the copy records to the one remaining "best" title record. Requires the Access My Lists for library permission.

Because title records are shared among sites in a centralized Destiny installation, merging the copies and deleting title records affects all sites.

This permission does not give the user access to Catalog > Update Titles > Merge Duplicate. Only district library catalogers have access to that page.

Update Z39.50 sources

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Configure Destiny to search for and retrieve title (MARC) records from Z39.50 servers in Catalog > Add Title > Update Z-Sources. Requires the Manage titles - Add title from search results permission. None
Import titles/copies

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Import title and copy (MARC) records in Catalog > Import Titles, and view job summaries in Admin > Job Manager. None None
Import titles by control number

District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Import updated title and copy (MARC) records in Catalog > Import Titles > Update Only that were exported (and enhanced by Follett) from this installation of Destiny, and view job summaries in Admin > Job Manager. None Applies to Destiny Library Manager and Destiny Media Manager.
Export titles/copies

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Export title and copy records in the MARC format in Catalog > Export Titles, view job summaries, and download the export files in Admin > Job Manager . None None
Import authority

District Library Cataloger for Destiny Library Manager customers

No one for Destiny Media Manager customers

Import authority records in Catalog > Import Authority, and view job summaries in Admin > Job Manager. None

Applies to Destiny Library Manager and Destiny Media Manager.

Because title records are shared among sites in a centralized Destiny installation, importing authority records affects all sites.

Manage authority

District Library Cataloger for Destiny Library Manager customers

No one for Destiny Media Manager customers

Add and edit authority records in Catalog > Manage Authority. None

Applies to Destiny Library Manager and Destiny Media Manager.

Because title records are shared among sites in a centralized Destiny installation, managing the authority records affects all sites.

Manage subjects

District Library Cataloger for Destiny Library Manager customers

No one for Destiny Media Manager customers

Delete subject headings by their source (for example, Sears, LOC, LCAC) in Catalog > Manage Subjects, and view job summaries in Admin > Job Manager. None

Applies to Destiny Library Manager and Destiny Media Manager.

Because title records are shared among sites in a centralized Destiny installation, managing the subjects in the title records affects all sites.

Edit MARC Templates

Destiny Administrator and District Library Cataloger for Destiny Library Manager customers

No one for Destiny Media Manager customers

Customize default templates used to catalog title records and material type icons in Catalog > Add Title > Edit Templates and Material Type Icons. None

Applies to Destiny Library Manager and Destiny Media Manager.

Because templates and material type icons are shared among sites in a centralized Destiny installation, editing any of them affects all sites.

Receive library copies

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Receive transferred library copies in Catalog > Update > Receive. None None
View library copy notes

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View any copy notes in Circulation > Check Out, Check In, and Copy Status. Requires either Library Circulation Access - View library item status or Check out library materials permission. Copy notes created.
Add/edit/hide/delete library copy notes

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Manage copy notes. Requires the Manage copies - Add/duplicate or Manage copies - Edit permission. None
Enhance records with AR/RC information

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Add and edit quiz information for individual titles.

Upload quiz files to, and download reading program information from, Follett Reading Program Service.

You must subscribe to a Reading Program Service and have selected the appropriate Quiz/Level Based Searches checkboxes in Admin > Site Configuration > Catalog. You must also select the Use Reading Program Service (RPS) - AR/RC checkbox in Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info. If you have an Enterprise subscription, select the Accelerated Reader Enterprise subscriber or the Reading Counts! Enterprise subscriber checkbox. Destiny automatically downloads the reading program information. The Library Catalog Search Access permissions are needed to search for and access reading program search results. None
Enhance records with Alliance Recon

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Enhance library title records with information from Alliance Plus™ Online. You must subscribe to Alliance Plus Online, and have selected the Use Alliance Plus™ Online checkbox on the Edit District page. None
Update headings

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger

Globally update author, subject, or series headings in title records in Catalog > Update Titles >. Update. Requires the Manage Titles - Edit permission.

Because title records are shared among sites in a centralized Destiny installation, updating the headings in the title records affects all sites.

Globally update material type

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger

Globally update material types in title records in Catalog > Update Titles > Update Requires the Manage Titles - Edit permission.

Because title records are shared among sites in a centralized Destiny installation, updating the material type in the title records affects all sites.

Remove titles without copies

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, Library Administrator

Remove title records that do not have local copies in Catalog > Update Titles > Remove Titles. If other sites have coies of a title, the title remains in the collection. If no other sites have copies, the title is deleted from the collection. Requires the General -Administrative Access- Monitor/delete site's jobs permission. None

Library Circulation Access

Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
Check out library materials

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Check out library materials in Circulation > Check Out. None

This permission allows checking out by typing and scanning barcodes. To search for patrons by keyword, see the permission, Patrons - Patron Circulation Info Access - Barcode not required to find patrons.

To check out by Homeroom, also requires the Check out by homeroom permission.

For Circulation > Offline Circulation to appear, requires the following permissions: Check out library materials, Check in library materials, and General - Administrative Access - Monitor/delete site's jobs.

Check out by homeroom

Destiny Administrator, Administrator

Retrieve patrons by selecting their homeroom in Circulation > Check Out > By Homeroom. Requires the Check out library materials permission. None
Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
Check in library materials

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Check in library materials in Circulation > Check In. None Circulation > Offline Circulation requires the following permissions: Check out library materials, Check In library materials, and General - Administrative Access - Monitor/delete site's jobs.
Renew library materials

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Renew checked-out library materials in Circulation > Renew. None None
Change library due dates

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Change due dates in Circulation > Check Out and Renew. Requires one of the following permissions: Check out library materialsor Renew library materials None
Override library blocks

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Override circulation blocks. Requires the Check out library materials permission. To override blocks during renewals, also requires the Renew library materials permission. None
Add temporary titles during checkout

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Create a temporary title and copy record in Circulation when the message, "Copy is not cataloged. Do you want to check it out?" appears when the user enters an unrecognized copy barcode. Requires the Check out library materials permission.

A user with both the Library Catalog Management - Manage titles - Add title from search results and the Check out library materials permissions can add temporary and permanent titles in Circulation > Check Out, regardless of this permission.

View library item status

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Retrieve and view library copy records in Circulation > Copy Status. None None
Mark library copies "Lost"

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Change the status of a copy to "Lost". Requires at least one of these permissions for Circulation: Check out library materials, Check in library materials, View library item status or View patron status. None
View library information

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View loan periods, the current total numbers of circulations, holds, fines (including total amounts), titles and copies, and patrons, and lists of top-borrowing patrons, homerooms, and grades, and top-circulating titles in Circulation > Library Information. None None

Fine Management

Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
View library fines

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View library copy-specific fines in Circulation > Fines and the Fines section of a patron record in Circulation > Patron Status None Needed to generate a Fine History report (Reports > Patron Reports) that includes library material fines.
Add library fines

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Change the fine amount when marking a checked-out copy "Lost".

Assess library copy-specific fines, and manage copy-specific fine types.

Requires the View library fines permission. Accessing Patron Status requires the View patron status permission.

To access the Manage Fine Types page where you can create, edit, and delete copy-specific fine types, you must have this permission.

Pay library fines

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Accept payment for library copy-specific fines, and pay refunds.

If you automatically calculate fines for overdue items, the Pay/Waive link appears in the alert message when checking in an overdue copy.

Requires the View library fines permission. Accessing Patron Status requires the View patron status permission. None
Waive library fines

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Waive library copy-specific fines.

If you automatically calculate fines for overdue items, the Pay/Waive link in the alert message appears when checking in an overdue copy.

Requires the View library fines permission. Accessing Patron Status requires the View patron status permission. None
Delete library fines

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator,

Delete library copy-specific fines.

If you automatically calculate fines for overdue items, the Pay/Waive link in the alert message appears when checking in an overdue copy.

Requires the View library fines permission. Accessing Patron Status requires the View patron status permission. None

Hold Management

Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
View any patron's holds

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View library holds in Circulation > Holds/ILL, the Holds section of a Patron Status page and the Copy Status page. None None
Add/edit/delete holds for patrons

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

View, create, edit, and delete holds in Circulation > Holds/ILL, the Holds section of a Patron Status page.


If the user does not have the View any patron's holds permission, the user cannot view hold queues, and the View Holds and Add Hold buttons do not appear on a Copy Status page. If a district has district media centers, this permission also allows the user to search for and book media materials from the library's Circulation pages. To perform interlibrary loans (ILLs), you must select the Allow library materials to circulate to all patrons in the district checkbox in Admin > Site Configuration > Circulation.

Place multiple holds for patrons

Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Place multiple holds on the same title or copies of a Related Title Group. Requires the Add/edit/delete holds for patrons permission.

Hold cannot be placed on lost or hidden copies unless the patron has permission to see hidden copies.

Administrative Access

Permission Default Access Level Users with this permission can... Dependencies Notes
Generate library collection reports

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, District Reports Manager, Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Generate and view library reports in Reports > Library Reports, Report Builder, and Report Manager, and Admin > Job Manager. To delete reports (jobs), requires the General - Administrative Access - Monitor/delete site's jobs permission. Users with this permission but without the Add/edit/delete Report Builder - library reports permission can access and generate custom reports, but not create, edit or delete them.

To have access to the Patron page in Reports, see Patrons - Administrative Access - Generate patron reports.

To run the Current Checkouts/Fines and Checked In Materials report, users also need the Generate patron reports permission.

Must have this permission to see and run the Overdue Materials report in (Reports > Patron Reports), or to generate a Patron Statistics - Historical or Patron Statistics - Summary report for library materials.

Add/edit/delete Report Builder - library reports

Destiny Administrator, District Library Cataloger, District Reports Manager, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Create and manage custom library reports in Reports > Report Builder. District managers can create district-wide reports and make reports available to selected sites.

Requires the Generate library collection reports permission. None
Add/edit/delete library policies

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Create and configure Patron Types and Circulation Types, and their loan periods, fines, and holds limits in Admin > Library Policies. None None
Change library site preferences

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator

Configure library settings in Admin > Site Configuration > Catalog and Circulation.


For configuring options that pertain to patrons, see Patrons - Administrative Access - Change patron site preferences.

Inventory library collection

Destiny Administrator, District Library Manager, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Scan or upload barcodes in an open inventory in Admin > Inventory > Library Materials. None To view barcode-file-upload reports, requires the General - Administrative Access - Monitor/delete site's jobspermission.
Start new/finalize library inventory

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator,

Library Administrator

Configure, open, and close an inventory in Admin > Inventory > Library Materials. Requires the Inventory library collection permission. None
Set up One Search

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Configure One Search in Catalog > Search Setup > Enriched Content Searches. You must select the Use One Search checkbox in Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info. None
Set up WebPath Express

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Configure WebPath Express in Catalog > Search Setup > Enriched Content Searches. You must subscribe to WebPath Express, and have selected the Use WebPath Express checkbox in Admin > Site Configuration > Site Info. Applies to Destiny Library Manager and Destiny Media Manager.
Allow Follett Digital setup Site Administrator

Set up and manage Destiny Discover.

Configure digital collections and select permissions for those who can view them in Catalog > Search Setup > Digital.

None None
Set up Visual Search

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator, Staff

Configure Visual Search in Catalog > Search Setup > Visual Search. None None
Process unapproved recommendations

Destiny Administrator, Site Administrator, Library Administrator

Approve, edit, and delete patron recommendations. None None
Display Library Dashboard

Site Administrator, Library Administrator

See a graphical, at-a-glance view of various site report data in the Dashboard or Site Dashboard (if New Destiny User Experience is enabled). Data only shows if configuration is set up by the site user or a district user with site access.

The information is at-a-glance only. For detailed data, run the corresponding report found in Reports.

Search for/view Title Classifications   See current title classification in Title Details and search results, and limit search by Classification.

Requires title classification be set up.

This information only appears if more than one title classification is set up.
View Title Classification History   See history of title classifications, as well as date changed and performed by in Title Details . Requires title classification be set up. This information only appears if more than one title classification is set up.
Change Title Classification   Edit title classifications. Requires title classification be set up. This information only appears if more than one title classification is set up.
Report on Title Classification   Select the Classification drop-down to show values in the Library Title & Copy List report. Requires title classification set up. This information only if more than one title classification is set up.