Manage title classifications at the district

A district can create a district-level title classification, and determine if that classification is visible for all or only admin. District users can create title classifications, determine their visibility, and limit by or view them in a Title & Copy List.


  • To set up title classifications, you must be a district user that can Manage Library Materials for the District.

  • When working at the site-level, to see title classifications in the search filter, search results, and Title Details, you must have the Search for/view Title Classifications permission.

  • The default classification is Standard. You will not see title classifications unless additional classifications are added.

To set up a title classification:

  1. Log in to Destiny as a District Administrator.

  2. Select Admin > Configuration.

  3. Next to Title Classifications, click Edit.

  4. In the Add Title Classification field, enter a classification name.

    Add Title Classification

    Example: A district uses a title classification of "Processing" for books that are purchased, but not ready to be checked out by patrons.
  1. Next to Visible to, do either of the following:

    Select... To..
    All Users Allow title to be seen by all users.
    Admin Users Only
    Note: Only users with the role of Administrator, Faculty, Instructor, or Staff can see this title.
    Restrict viewing title to admin only.
  1. Click Save.

To edit or delete a title classification:

Add Title Classification

If you want to ... Then...
Edit a title classification
  1. Click Edit icon..

  2. Make the desired changes.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a title classification
  1. Click Delete icon.. A confirmation appears.

  1. If the classification is currently assigned to titles, use the drop-down to select a new classification.

  2. Click Yes.

To apply a classification to a title:

Note: To see, apply, or change classifications at the site-level, users must have the Change Title Classifications permission.
  1. Select Catalog > Library Search.

  2. Search for the title you want.

  3. Next to that title, do one of the following:

    From search results... From the title record...
    1. Select the checkbox next to its name. The Apply Classification pop-up appears.

    2. Use the drop-down to select the classification you want.

    1. Click Save. The Change Title Classification confirmation appears.

      Change title classification confirmation

    1. Click Yes.

    1. Click Details.

    2. On either the Title Details sub-tab or the MARC View sub-tab, click Edit Title.

    3. Next to Classifications, use the drop-down to select the classification you want.

    1. Click Save Title.


Classification info appears at the bottom of the Titles Details page.


  • Title classification information only appears for users with the Search for/view Title Classifications permission.
  • Title classification history only appears for users with the View Title Classifications History permission.