Include One Searchin search results

You can see One Search in your search results. One Search lets users search multiple free or paid databases while searching for other print or digital content. In Destiny, searches are automatically performed against the databases that have been configured as "preselected".

For One Search to appear in your search results, Destiny must have preset selected databases.

Basic Search

If One Search is enabled, searches conducted without limiters (Material Type and Reading Programs) include all databases that have been set up.

To include One Search in a Basic search:

  1. Select Catalog > Library Search > Basic sub-tab.
  2. In the Find field, enter your search term.
  3. To remove all limiters, click the Reset All link next to Find.

    Note: When limiters are selected, online databases are excluded from the search.

  4. Press Enter.
  5. For results, click the One Search tab.

Power Search

Using Power search, the user can extend the search to cover any other configured databases.

Note: Destiny Discover does not have access to Power search configuration parameters, so it applies searches to all configured databases in the system – not just the preselected ones.

To include One Search in a Power Search:

  1. Select Catalog > Library Search > Power sub-tab.
  2. Enter your power search term.
  3. Select the Include Online Resources checkbox. A list of all the available online resources appears.
  4. Select the online resources you want to search, and then press Enter or click Search.
  5. For results, click the One Search tab.