Digital Resources Search Results

The list contains all the digital resources that match your search term, in alphabetical order.

To sort the list:

Use the Sort by drop-down to select Source, Title, Provider, [copyright] Date or [material] Type, and click Go. Click Go again to invert the order.

To access a resource:

Click View. The resource opens in a new browser window.

Search eBooks and audiobooks (non-Follett and Follett)

In Library Manager, the material type for audiobooks is Sound Recording (non-musical).

note: If you are not logged in, log in when the Destiny Discover pop-up appears.

  1. Using a Basic or Power search, enter your search term.
  2. In the Narrow your search to… section, select from the Material Type drop-down.
  1. Click the applicable search button.
  2. Browse Search Results to select a resource.
  3. For eBooks, click Open. The Follett eBook opens in the embedded reader in Destiny Discover. For Audiobooks, click Play.

Search results features:

  • Titles with no copy records will not appear.
  • Search results contain only publisher-hosted content owned by your school, even when you search across the district.
  • Every eBook with a URL in an 856 tag displays an Open button.
  • For non-Follett eBooks with more than one 856 tag, the Open button links to the first 856 tag in the record.

Print a list of resources

If you do not want to make a custom list, open a new window containing a printable page, click Printable and then use your browser's Print option to print the list.
If you want the whole list, make sure to click Show All in the top-right corner before clicking Printable.

Save results

From Selected List at the top of the page, select one of your Resource Lists.

  • To add a digital resource to your list, click Add to this List next to the resource's name.
    • If a digital resource is already in your list, In This List appears instead of Add to this List. To open the Resource List, click In This List.
  • To add a page full of search results to your list, click Add Page to List at the top.
  • If you want the whole list, make sure to click Show All (in the top-right corner) before clicking Add Page to List.
  • To view and edit all your lists, click Resource Lists on the side menu.