Top 10 Titles

The "Top 10" link lets patrons view a list of your library's top 10 circulating titles for the past 30 days.


  • If you have the Change library site preferences permission, you can choose whether to include this link in Library Search.
  • By default, the list is calculated by Destiny and includes checkouts to all patrons of your library, in-district interlibrary loans (ILLs), in-library usage and renewals.

The Destiny Administrator or Site Administrator can exclude certain circulation counts when calculating the Top 10:

  • In-library use
  • Specific patron types
  • Specific material types
  • Specific call number ranges

To enable the Top 10 link and adjust circulation data:

  1. Select Admin > Site Configuration > Catalog sub-tab.
  1. In the Top 10 Titles section, select the Show Top 10 in Catalog checkbox.
  2. Do any of the following:
    If you want to...Then...

    Include or exclude circulations identified as "in-library use"

    Note: "In-library use" is an option you can select during checkout for materials that are used within the library.

    Select or deselect the Count in-library use circulations checkbox.

    Count circulations of only specific patron types

    1. Next to Count circulations of these patron types: [included patron types], click Update.
    2. Select or deselect the appropriate Patron Types.
    3. Click OK.

    Count circulations of only specific material types

    1. Next to Count circulations of these material types: [included material types], click Update.
    2. Select or deselect the appropriate Material Types.
    3. Click OK.

    Include circulations in a specific call number range

    1. Select the Count circulations of this call number range checkbox.
    2. In the From and to fields, specify a call number range. Type at least 3 digits of each Dewey number or a complete call number prefix.

    Note: The options you select here also apply to the Popular Titles carousel in Destiny Discover.

  3. Click Save.


    • Destiny does not include circulations for any deleted titles or hidden copies.
    • The options you select here have no effect on the Top Title Statistics report. That report has its own set of limiters.
    • If you included circulations in a certain call number range, the Top 10 list reflects the name you entered in the displayed as field.

For steps to see the list, see View Top 10 Titles.