Recipient Information

Use this page to create an email to send the Resource List to the recipient. Regardless of how you sorted the list, the items appear in alphabetical order by Title.

  1. In Display Name, enter the name of the person sending the email. This appears as the From name on the email. You can enter up to 80 characters.
  2. In Email, enter the recipient's email address.
  3. If you prefer, change the Subject. By default, the subject is the name of the Resource List. You can enter up to 30 characters.
  4. Add a message of up to 1,000 characters, if desired, The message appears in the email.
  5. Click Send.
Note: If you have tabs in your Resource List (for example, Library Materials and Web Sites), the email includes only the items on the tab where you selected I want to Email this List.