Resource Lists (Follett Destiny® Media Manager)

With your Media Resource List, you can collect information about the materials that interest you, book the materials, edit, and print the list. You can also use the list when researching a classroom project or report.

If it is a Public List, you can book the materials and print the Resource List.

Depending on the resources your media center has, there may be tabs in your Resource List:

  • Media lists the district media center materials matching your search term.
  • If your media center subscribes to WebPath Express, Web Sites lists the websites that have information about the search term.
    Each entry has a link to open the website.
  • If your media center subscribes to One Search, One Search lists the resources in your online databases.
  • If your media center has any videos, pictures, or sound files from a digital provider, Digital Resources lists them.
    Each entry has a link to play the resource.
To add titles to a Resource List

To add a media title to your Resource List, click Add Page to List or Add to this List on any Search Results list or Add to this List on any Title Details page.
If a title is already in your Resource List, In This List appears next to the title. Clicking the link opens the Resource List.

If you are a media catalog manager or staff member, you may have the option to add multiple titles at one time.

If your Resource List is empty, click Add to this List.

When your Resource List already has titles in it, you can add more by selecting Add to this List from the I want to list and clicking Go!.

Searching for district media from a library

If you are searching a combination of libraries and district media centers for materials, please be aware that library materials are on the Library Materials tab and district media are on the Media tab of the Resource List.

On a Search Results list, titles from your district media center display either District Media or the media center's name between the material type icon and the call number. Library materials do not.

To remove titles from my Resource List

To remove a title from your Resource List, click Remove next to it, or click Remove all at the bottom of the list.

To book the materials in a Media Resource List

To book one or more copies of a particular title in a Resource List, click its Details. From the Title Details page that appears, click Book It.

To book one copy of each of the titles in a Resource List for the same date range, select Book my List from the I want to list, and then click Go!.

If you are able to book copies for other people, a Find Patron page opens.
If you are booking these copies for yourself, enter your barcode number, and then click Go!.
If the booking is for someone else, enter their barcode number.

To cancel any booking requests, open My Info, and then click the delete icon. next to the item you no longer want.


A citation is a brief description of the source of the information you are gathering.

If you need to cite the resources you use when doing homework or researching a paper, Destiny® can help. When you add any of the following to your Resource List, Destiny automatically creates an MLA-formatted citation using the information from the title's record or the online source:

  • On the Media tab:
    • a book
    • a computer file
    • an ebook
    • manuscript language material
    • a map, globe, or atlas
    • printed music
    • a picture, study print, photograph, or chart
    • a musical recording
    • a nonmusical recording
    • a video, DVD, film, filmstrip, or transparency
  • On the Web Sites tab: a website
  • On the One Search tab: an article from a library database such as EBSCO or InfoTrac
  • On the Digital Resources tab: a resource from a digital resource provider's collection

If some of the entries are not as accurate or as complete as you would like, open the Resource List, and then click Citation next to the title or name to update the information.

To print a Resource List

If you want to print a Resource List, you have these choices:

  • If you want a printout of the information in the Resource List, use the Printable option. It includes the title, material type, call number, author, the date of publication, and the copy availability.
    1. First, make sure that the Resource List is sorted the way you want it.
    2. Then, click Printable.
  • If you want a more formal reading list, create a bibliography. Destiny formats the title information using MLA guidelines, but also includes the call number for the title, which makes it easier to find the items on the shelves. You can also include the notes for each title (any 505_a, 511_a, and 520_a tags).
    1. At the bottom of your Resource List, select Bibliography from the Create list.
    2. Next, choose the way you want the bibliography sorted, and whether or not you want to include the notes.
    3. Enter a name for the bibliography, and then click Go!.
  • If you need an MLA-formatted citation list for a research paper:
    1. Open the tab you want and, at the bottom, select Citation List from the Create list.
    2. Next, enter a name for the citation list, and then click Go!.
    When you add a title to your Resource List, Destiny automatically creates an MLA-formatted citation using the information in the title's record. If some of the entries are not as accurate or as complete as you would like, go back and click Citation next to the title to update the citation.

Any of the lists appear in a new browser window.
To print the list, use your browser's Print option.

To save my Resource List

If you logged in, Destiny saves your Resource List for you, even if you log out.
You can also save your Resource List as a text file. From the I want to list, select Save as text, and then click Go!.

If you did not log in, you need to print it out.

To email a Resource List

If you need access to the information in a Resource List outside of Destiny, you can email a Resource List: From the I want to list, select Email this List, and then click Go!.

To create another Resource List

At times, you may want or need more than one Resource List. For example, you may want one for the titles you are using for a research paper and another for a reading list for a class. If Add list appears on the Resource Lists page or at the top of a Resource List, you can add a new one.

Other uses for a Resource List

If you are a media catalog manager or staff member, you may have additional options in the I want to list.
For example, depending on your access level, you may be able to add multiple titles at one time, eliminate duplicated titles from your collection, or perform an Alliance Recon.