Edit a citation

If you need a list of the works cited for a research paper, you can print one from each tab of a Resource List.

When you add materials to your Library Materials or Media List, Destiny® automatically creates an MLA citation using the information in the title's record. For digital resources, Destiny retrieves the information from the website or the provider.

Destiny enters as much information as it can, but it may not be as accurate or as complete as you would like. You can add any information that is missing.

How do I edit a citation?

From where does Destiny retrieve the information?

Does Destiny create citations for all material types?

How do I edit a citation?

  1. To edit a citation, you can change or add information to the citation as needed. The fields with an asterisk (*) must have information in them.
  2. Click Save when you are finished.

From where does Destiny retrieve the information?

For citations derived from the MARC record, Destiny retrieves the information from the following tags:

Entry MARC tag Notes
1st Author or Artist 100_a, 110_a, or 111_a Last Name and First Name are limited to 42 characters each, and the Middle to five.
2nd and 3rd Authors or Artists 700_a, 710_a, or 711_a
Title 245, subfields _a, _b, _n, and _p
Publisher or manufacturer location 260_a
Publisher or manufacturer 260_b
Date of publication, composition, manufacture, or production 008/07-10, 260_c, or 008/11-14. If missing, N.d.
Always N.d. for Manuscript, Picture, or Printed Music

Information about the MLA format is from MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2009. Print.

Does Destiny create citations for all material types?

Destiny creates citations for the following material types:

  • Book (monograph)
  • Computer File
  • Electronic Book (eBook)
  • Manuscript Language Material
  • Map, Globe, or Atlas
  • Music (printed)
  • Graphics (picture, study print, photograph, chart)
  • Sound Recording (music)
  • Audiobook
  • Video (videotape, DVD, filmstrip, slide, transparency)

Destiny does not create citations for the following material types:

  • Artifact (fossil, rock, toy)
  • Equipment (computer, camera, projector)
  • Kit (book and nonmusical cresourcete, laboratory kit)
  • Mixed Materials
  • Serial (printed newspaper or magazine)