WebPath Express Search Results

The WebPath Express sub-tab of your search results contains a list of all relevant, grade-appropriate, educator-reviewed websites. You can search WebPath Express from the WebPath Express option or from the Basic, Power or Visual sub-tabs in Catalog > Library Search.

WebPath Express search results give a brief description of the website, and show the appropriate grade level, related topics, language, Lexile level and media type. To go to a website, click either its title or URL.

WebPath Express search results for summer berries.

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You can refine your search if there are too many results. Click Additional filters to use one or more of the following filters:

  • Format: Find topics in specific audio or visual file format.
  • Source: Find topics of a specific publication type.
  • Related Topics: Find other subjects related to the search term.
  • Grade level: Find topics for a specific grade range.
  • Lexile: Find topics for a specific Lexile range.
  • Domain: Find topics from a specific domain.
  • Language: Find topics in a specific language.

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To find library materials related to your subject, click the Titles sub-tab on the Search Results page.